Big Fraud UFOlogy
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Intellectual property of the researcher Raul Arias.
The Billy Meier Case
Each time it appears in the news report of a UFO case or ghosts, psychic or unusual events a surprising new video, an incredibly clear picture, or a witness to a unique in its kind, the first word it looks to everyone's mind is "fraud" ... As has become the daily bread for researchers around the world; and we know that exist in all social policy areas of the planet, from the innocent joke teenager who wants to scare their friends, to complex curtain of smoke of a mega conspiratorial world power which seeks to distract public attention from the real tests or even more lurid facts ...
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The Billy Meier Case |
Since the beginning of serious parapsicolgía, researchers have encountered and to have been misled by those who manufacture false evidence of alleged ghostly apparitions, miracles, manifestations of demons, people with paranormal powers, alleged UFO sightings and ingenious plots on contacts with beings from other worlds; sometimes frauds are so good that last for several years, sometimes they are so crude and obvious that not even worth bothering to ask anything, but someone will swallow the story without water !!. This is unfortunately a pattern that keeps repeating, and may not be so far a single investigator (including world famous) that has not been "face to face" before a fraud sometimes very good, others less so. By that I start a series of articles on "Big Fraud UFOlogy", in order not to discredit the phenomena, but to make aware of the importance to be objective, and not be swayed by appearances.
Let's start with fraud that brought down the pillars of ufology, especially because in my humble opinion, was a mixture of a real case of contactismo and Demonstration (most importantly today) that at some point began to nurture fraud. .. I mean the case "Billy" Meier.
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Image Composition Panoramic |
The reasons that a person or group of people to develop a fraud are several, but the most common reason is to try to get money out of the credulity of the people, the direct impact of this is the discrediting or dismissal the phenomenon in question. Another reason for cración fraud, is the search for fame and recognition, even falling in some real witnesses, when they feel their 15 minutes of fame ended, stories and false evidence to remain in force for the cameras or invent publications. I think a case could exemplify this latter situation is what happened with Edward "Billy" Meier, the most important event of all time contactismo.
Mr. Meier (Swiss farmer whose life before being contacted was marked by an aggressive, wild, with criminal charges for civil disobedience and petty hooliganism, and later youth to contact when he saw become a guru of the fans "new age "of the aliens seventies), has taken nearly 1,000 photographs of UFOs and more 600 videos, all these videos, presented by the most skeptical analysts as" impossible to forge. " Regarding the pictures, there are some that are cosideradas as the sharpest of all gotten so far in the history of ufology, and about 500 have been confirmed as authentic by hundreds of analysts and skeptics. However, photos taken between 1980 and 1982, a ship was nicknamed "the wedding cake" have been described as fraudulent even some researchers claim to have made photographic studies showing that the bottom of the supposed ship, would be the top of a trash container, hayado Meier in the garage of one of its own "fans", see the alleged evidence:
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Typical UFO Fake |
Another fact that has disappointed many (myself included), is the reference to the photos Meier brought the visitor alleged Pleiades called Semjase and other crew of the ships, these pictures are very blurred, Edward says that results of magnetic field emanating from the ship, however, found that women who appear in the photos, they were girls who were part of a TV show called The Dean Martin's Show, as dancers from a group called The Golddiggers, and apparently, "Billy" what he did was shoot your television when it appeared a close up of them ... Hence blur ...
One of these girls is called Michelle Della Fave (which we see in the pictures above these lines) is currently presenter of Italian television. The photo above is the photo of Meier, the other is a static fragment of a program that worked Della Fave 1980.
Edward said several times that Semjase took him on one of his ships on a tour of five days for other worlds and even back in time, reaching the Jurassic era, and as test showed a photo of what looked like a pterodactyl in flight and hunting, as well ... it is alleged that after a thorough investigation by a group of Swiss experts in the field of ufology, is said to have found in one of the rooms of the house Meier natural history book where just saw the same picture.
In the same research it says that an identical replica of one of the ships in the barn of the farm Meier found, this Edward said he had done for the children to play ... The truth no one knows .. .
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Typical Image Superposition |
But ... What happened to "Billy"? Say those who have spoken with him, Edward has a group of men dressed in black stole all the pictures that he had failed to give the press, that is, those of the "Wedding Cake" and girls, and he had to reconstruct them as he could to not look like a ... a bit contradictory farzante ... at least from my perspective ... In my opinion, and very personally ... I think what happened to Edward exposed initially, he possibly was a real contacted someone who really met beings from other worlds and received messages from a high technological value and even spiritual, but over the months and no more material show as perhaps the purpose Contact would have done, because I had to invent their tests, this not disappear from the marquees as had already become all a spiritual guru and almost a star, we must also consider that we are facing the biggest counterfeiters tests, a genius of deception as it has been or not.
I want to believe in the first possibility, as there are some doors that this case does not close easily, such as audio recordings of the sound made by Meier ships, and that the same US Air Force said it was analyzed and what it was what produced it, that sound was the result of a machine that works with electromagnetic waves ... If so, it is sad that he has made that decision, because by giving the possibility to asérrimos UFO critics say it was all a fraud, brought down the popular credibility on the subject.
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Most Repetitive UFO Image |
However, we can not be as Manichaean, and get carried away by the very human habit of going to extremes and say it was all a fraud, I mentioned the issue of audio recordings, should also see that the 1000 photos, It said remaining 500 that even the most foolish of the skeptics had to say, that might be true, as well as their videos, some really impressive by the fact that it was filmed with a Super 8 camera homemade 70s.
The bad decision of a ambioso or disoriented man, can hurt the credibility of popular opinion, but can not erase an entire arsenal of evidence, so far certified as true. Also worth mentioning that all polygraph tests that we performed to the nearly 120 people who attest sightings and evidence he gave Meier, were all consistent with each other, according to the polygraph, all they are telling the truth.
The polygraph is not 100% accurate and sometimes unreliable, even less when an exception occurs if this type of research, which should be applied polygraph tests to more than one hundred people first are adolesciendo of a possible collective psychosis.
To believe or not believe, is the dilemma of all, and everyone should find the answer for himself, but we must make the distinction between believing and being blinded to believe (I speak of scientific, not religious faith) must be tests and analyze them, again and again ... and leave no aspect "air" blind tests but has not analyzed because it is what they tell the ear, even lie.
Waiting for Alabama
Well, suddenly and without looking, I was presented with the opportunity to add one more to the list of "The Great Fraud of ufology" some weeks ago, that appealing for caution and objectivity, I friends They sent information related to what will comment then an event that many anxiously awaited the arrival of a giant ship our atmosphere this October 14, 2008.
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The Pleiades |
To name this article, I took the liberty and dare to paraphrase the title of one of my favorite works of theater: "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett, a work of absurd genre written in the 40s, which has a strong existentialist in his speech, where the characters, a couple of tramps Vladimir and Estragon called, awaiting the arrival of a Mr. Godot (direct reference to God, because in English "God" means God) somehow encouraged by a boy who The Lord says that Godot will not come that day, but if you make the next, and the next day I again say the same, and the same are told the day that followed the previous one, which is very repetitive and tedious because both await the arrival of someone who does not know if it will, although they have the "hope" that might come tomorrow. Thus, Beckett exposed as human beings lose the meaning of our own life, putting our faith in illusions unsubstantiated, hoping that "something" save us from our own misery surrounded by monotony, and where the "hope" that I mentioned before , it becomes a rickety cane that supports the full weight of frustration and discouragement. Ah! Guess what happens at the end of the work ... You guessed it ... Mr. Godot never comes.
But metaphors aside, this story (and in some cases hysteria) of the famous ship that is supposed must appear in the southern sky of our planet, began when the sacrosanct internet alleged telepathic message transmitted through "it spread channeler "based in Australia, Bloossom Goodchild (go name rock star does not?), who said that from Tuesday October 14, 2008 until October 16, a political organization - intergalactic spiritual called the Galactic Federation of Light would send a ship daunting to give to the world its existence and its presence on our planet.
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The Galactic Federation |
This ship which is called the message "Alabama" is supposed that should be visible from various points of the southern hemisphere, and its main mission was to give humanity a message of love and faith for a better future, rescue Hearts humans the ability to love, in order to find personal and world peace; however the message warns that the political forces of the world, tramarían one farce to downplay the event, tried secretly to attack the ship Alabama, but their attempts had been in vain, because everything was calculated and no possibility of distorting the that was supposed to happen ... and as we know did not happen. Then I put a video with the message text in Spanish and Mrs. Goodchild explaining in his native language, English.
However, since this message began circulating on the Internet, thousands ... if not millions, of ufólatras (understood as those who adore everything about the UFO phenomenon and extraterretres so subjective, gullible and fanaticism quasi-religious, scientific or research without conviction) eagerly they awaited the arrival of this day, with their digital cameras, binoculars and mantras ceremonial repertoire that connects with the cosmos, the microcosm, the macrocosm. Many organized expeditions and "tours" to South America to have front row seats for the show ... all waiting to Alabama. At this point of the article, I find that my reference to Beckett's work is obvious and the reader should there be producing mixed feelings divided between laughter and sorrow of others, because as we all know today, our friends ufólatras they were waiting for Alabama, as well as Vladimir and Estragon were waiting for Godot, and soon Mrs. Goodchild or any other purported spokesman Ashtar, these days he will say: The Alabama ship can not come today, but come tomorrow. And they will stay there ... Waiting for Alabama ...
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Utopic Galactic Spaceship |
And all this ... Who is Blossom Goodchild? Well, according to its own website, Blossom Goodchild is an actress and singer, who from about seven years ago claims to have acquired the gift of channeling messages from beings that vibrate at other frequencies that are not our dimension ... It's I mean, she asserts that receives telepathic messages from spirits and aliens who are not in our reality, if not in a parallel dimension. She and her self-proclaimed "Tribe" say the spirit of an American aboriginal called "White Cloud" gives messages prophetic order, and for some years, a group of beings from different planets together in an organization called The Galactic Federation Light, also they have used interdimensional secretary to dictate the messages they want to give to our world.
While it is true that in its website promotes Goodchild records, books and paid conferences, we not openly see the classic profile of the swindler: a person who has a questionable life, who spends his life running away or making up stories about conspiracies against him. If anything we have seen in other articles in this series of "Big Fraud". Instead we see an artist who has changed his life a kind of spirituality very "new age" if you will, and that part of this spirituality is to believe faithfully in the pipes message in a pluridimencional universe, consciousness Love and peace, as well as other beliefs that we have known about the philosophy of "new age" we are very close to the surface; and from my point of view, to be delivered as a belief or philosophy, makes people run the risk of losing the objectivity of what they want to convey, and this loss of objectivity born with strange sects often with fundamentals They threaten the very existence and socialization (remember Heaven's Gate) and ufólatras groups, of which I explained my personal definition. I do not think Goodchild is a con, (which does not mean that the message and the expectation itself be a fraud, even without fault) believe that a person, which is probably very spiritual and possibly his heart is very big, but Likewise their beliefs perhaps have abstracted from their environment and has lost the sense of objectivity; stating that I'm not saying she's crazy, what I say is that it may be a complete believer, a person with such faith, you want your beliefs come true, and unconsciously seeks ways that many believe it as she was.
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Pleiadan Beings |
Speaking of "believe," I must be totally honest, I really would like to believe that something like the apparition of a great ship, the realization of a "high contact" may happen sometime, but about the message that spread Goodchild, my Common sense anchored me from the beginning to the seabed of the reason for there to be objective ... It was like something out of an episode of Star Trek, and despite my sarcasm and my skepticism, basically, like ufologist ( ufólatra not) and as a human being, that one day we would witness the crowning moment for all mankind, one day after leaving the radio station where I work, hear people comment on "which appeared in the sky" on that "great contact" anything to that descancen our restless souls who no longer seek relief from this loneliness as race felt, being apparently the only beings "smart" in the cosmos known, at least the only ones in our solar system (which on reflection is all we know of the cosmos).
Today there are many desolate and disappointed, sad, but true soul ... Many people deposited the precious treasure of their faith, in a message that was not on your root livelihood, and so today cabisbajos walk and doubting what until a few days ago it was true for them.
Copyright Raul Arias (2008)