Extraterrestrial Hypothesis considered Scientifically
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Intellectual property of the researcher Milton W. Hourcade.
Pioneering research
Many who now seek to persuade the actual existence of extraterrestrials on our planet Earth, who supposedly come and go in their ships to those in ignorance are called "UFO" had not even been born when the Research Center Flying Objects Inidentificados (CIOVI) took its first steps, then daring to glimpse the mysterious world of "flying saucers" and alleged non-human intelligence behind them!
These extraterrestristas novice, do not know what was going to keep a journal, and cause the mere presence, the mocking laughter from reporters, but always someone agreed to assist us. We were the "crusaders" of a lost cause, the "crazy" we raised the need to investigate something that people denounced walked through the roof.
We started from scratch. In Uruguay nobody investigated deliberately organized and sustained the issue, until it emerged CIOVI, a few came back after decade and some have made way. We continue our march undaunted and our activity, never even stopped when the Uruguay played live fateful hours.
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Alien Visitors |
We are the first, we are pioneers, and yes, in the field of global private research, we know that we are the best.
We affirm with full knowledge of what is out there. We say sensibly and why not, with pride.
Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis, or HET as it has been known for decades in the field ovnilógico is such, and nothing more than that: a hypothesis among others. The Center handled it initially almost adopting it as the best, and then, looking for other alternatives, seeing that it was insufficient and inadequate to explain the phenomenon we were investigating and studying. And in this, we are accompanied by the best researchers and scholars worldwide, enough to mention two of them (those who do not know, looking for references on the Internet): Dr. Joseph Allen Hynek and Dr. Jacques Fabrice Vallée.
An absurd requirement
For some ufologists veterans, it seems to leave the HET, or reject the ET explanation for the phenomenon in question is a kind of loathsome heresy of default of a dogma. If it is not accepted that there are ET, you can not claim to be a ovnílogo. According to some, the amount does not exceed the fingers of one hand, we were ufologists in the past, but have ceased to be so now, rightly reject the ET explanation.
And who they purport to classify and pigeonhole people, have no grounds for any ridiculous posture, and less the right to dictate who is and who is not ovnílogo simply for disagreeing with what those would want to represent such as "orthodoxy" in ufology.
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Gray Aliens |
It is unfortunate that there are people though seriously devoted to the subject, has not changed in 40 years, and continue to think like the world all, if scientific knowledge and if the technology developed throughout that period, not force us to consider all the phenomenon from a current perspective, not that it could take 40 or 50 years.
And something else. To think with our own heads, not with ideas borrowed or deliberately instilled, let alone fall in belief, because it is clear! the claims made from a position of faith, never claim the basic requirement of the evidence presented by the scientific knowledge, which is, meanwhile, communicable, verifiable and updatable.
The emotional supporters of ET, wield very flimsy and weak arguments, similarities that do not stand up serious analysis ("if we went to the moon, why they can not come here") and a series of verbal puns, to want to be accept things like, "They are among us", "they become invisible", "only the elect are revealed" and "communicate telepathically with us." Go cute myth, in which religiously, some more reasonably admissible, have fallen to believe. With all due respect we deserve people of good faith, we say that innocence is worth them! But do not be fooled, manipulated, and mainly defraud. Watch your money!
The "evidence" pointing to something else
In a seemingly rational field, they try to present as evidence accounts of events, sometimes backed by pictures (in 99.99% of poor quality) or by their radar detections (ET failed to develop the technology "stealth"), to support undoubtedly strange devices out there that leave traces, and make unbelievable maneuvers, and impossible to perform by any human ingenuity, from 1947 to 2007!
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Nordic Aliens |
They stuck as they would in their scientific and technological development, these ET, keep doing the same maneuvers, and maintain the same characteristics in 50 years. Do not call this attention?
Regarding brightness or opacity, maneuvers, speed, heights, persecution of aircraft observations by pilots, etc. sincerely advise these people to the trouble to read the document from the United Kingdom, which was secret for 27 years are taken and circulated only among those who were entitled to the same access as authorities, titled "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary - Scientific & Technical Memorandum No. 55/2/00 "publicly revealed on May 15, 2006.
Of course, it is in English and you must dedicate to read its 464 pages, but no waste. The importance of this document is that it was never intended to go public, so that there is a move of concealment of information, data or demolition, to deceive people. It is a document of very high value, which handled only in certain military and scientific circles UK.
The ovnílogo has an ethical duty to be informed and updated. It is a vital and indispensable necessity. The same is to be aware of all things that are being experienced, is already operational or will be, in the aeronautical and space sector. For indeed, they ply the skies of the world many objects and unconventional ways, strange features, but ... the result of technology "homo sapiens".
And now, lest anyone think soslayamos deliberately or not dare to address the issue, we will discourse on the possibility of extraterrestrial life from a scientific point of view.
NASA has planned several probes to further explore neighboring planets and moons, seeking to find such evidence. Obviously we are talking about life in elementary forms, which in itself would already be an extraordinary event in the history of science and of all humanity.
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Search Radiotelescopes |
It has indirectly detected the presence of suspected planets in other systems in our galaxy, the Milky Way. In some cases it was possible to obtain images in the infrared range of bodies that have been much larger than our neighbor Jupiter and processing therefore difficult to contain life, although the validity of such images is disputed.
However, these planets could have moons and belts may have dust and rocks that could eventually be carriers of amino acids or elementary forms of life.
But this is all for now.
The Fermi paradox and the Drake equation
Many enthusiasts ET, refer to the Drake equation, but we are sure they know not break it down, or why that equation came. And perhaps less known, the Fermi paradox, due to which Drake tried to respond with its equation.
Doing a bit of history, in the decade of the 40s had gathered a group of physicists, and after lunch started a lively dialogue in which it was considered that given the extreme age of the universe and the vast number of stars, life alien should be common. It was then that the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938 and builder of the first experimental nuclear reactor at the University of Chicago) asked his fellow members: "Where are they?". Fermi was raised why -of exist a multitude of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy, the Milky Láctea-- evidence of such civilizations, as probes, spacecraft or radio transmissions, has never been found.
The Fermi paradox as it briefly defines NASA, is "the apparent contradiction between the high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of contact with such civilizations."
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Reptilian Aliens |
Put more explicitly, "The size and age of the universe suggest that there must be many technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. However, this belief seems logically inconsistent with the lack of observational evidence to support it. Therefore, either the initial assumption is incorrect and technologically advanced life is much more rare than is believed, current observations are incomplete and humans have not detected other civilizations, or search methodologies are flawed and seek Incorrect indicators. "
The first part of the paradox has to do with the size of our Milky Way galaxy and the universe. It is estimated that there are 250 billion stars in our galaxy and about 70 sextillion stars in the visible universe. That's 70 followed by 21 zeros. Even if you think of an ephemeral number of stars that could have planets with intelligent life, the figure would be equally great, and only in our Milky Way.
In a way, this consideration also assumes the so-called "principle of mediocrity" according to which our earth is nothing special, and it would be a planet.
The second part of the paradox is related to the ability of a civilization to overcome the lack or scarcity of resources, which must lead to colonize new places to live, first within his own star system and then planetary systems other stars. Since there is no evidence on Earth or anywhere else in the space of an attempted alien colonization after 13 billion years of history of the universe, or the existence of other intelligent civilizations is very rare, or presumptions about what would an intelligent civilization that they are wrong.
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Milkyway Intelligence Civilizations |
Some authors have tried to calculate how long it would take an intelligent civilization expand into the galaxy, and the encrypted vary between 5 and 50 million years, which the human point of view, is a huge time, if ever so slightly in a geological let alone a cosmological scale.
Moreover, it is estimated that approximately 10% of the stars in our galaxy are similar to the Sun, and there are about a thousand stars within 100 light years of our sun.
Trying to answer the initial question of Fermi, radio astronomer Frank Drake in 1961 developing the following equation:
N = R * fp ne fl fi fc L
according to which:
N = Number of civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable
R * = Rate of formation suitable for the development of intelligent life stars
fp = Fraction of those stars with planetary systems
ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with a suitable environment for life
fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears
fi = The fraction of planets on which intelligent life emerges
fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space
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Extraterrestrial Intelligence Search |
Explanation of the SETI Institute
This equation has just inspired and supported the work of the SETI Institute to present.
Critics argue the Drake equation fundamentally no evidence to award the same values.
Several decades of SETI analysis and work has not revealed any radio broadcast that was repeated regularly and with a certain rhythm to indicate a clear technological nature. The August 15, 1977 known as "Wow" for the annotated mark next to it in its printed record signal was detected. The signal lasted only 72 seconds and never again repeated.
From September 3 to 1. October 2002, five radio pulses were detected in a period of 7 hours, and each pulse lasted 10 minutes, separated by about 77 minutes of silence. These signals are called GCRDJ1745-3009.
Another radio pulse was detected in September 2003, and about the same, Dr. Scott Hyman, a professor of physics at the Department of Physics and Engineering College in Virginia Bryar said: "It is still an enigma". This information was published in the "Journal Astronomy".
In December 2006, the Director of the SETI Institute, astrophysics Dra.Jill Tarter said in a report on these signs:
"There has been nothing about them beyond the fact that turn on and off, indicating a technological origin. So we're still in it, and one of the first things we will be doing with the device Allen Telescope and our instrumental SETI is to explore the inside of the 20 square degrees in intergalactic level because there are a lot of stars along that line of sight. But let's see if we see something in us that has been optimized to find technological signals, as opposed to astrophysical signals instrumental particular.
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Extragalactic Intelligences |
So you will see a large astronomical tracking on this because we do not have a good model for what they are. "
This is therefore the latest in what is shipped and what the SETI Institute is to know about these signs.
The rarity of the Earth
Is it all seems so simple, usual, normal, everyday, that we have not ever stopped to think about the enormity of all interrelated factors in their right proportion and measure, which has enabled it to form, as it is, our planet, to evolve the way it did, and that could be sustaining the only intelligent life that we now know?
Fortunately, there are other scientists who have thought.
The geologist Peter Ward, a paleontologist and astronomer and astrobiologist Donald Brownlee are authors of a book called "Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe" (Strange Earth: Why Complex Life is not common in the universe). In the same state that the chances of that happening all the conditions given for the Earth formed again, are rare; therefore intelligent life must be odd as well.
In other words, life as we know it, is a "sui generis" phenomenon in the universe. If so, there are scientists who conclude that extraterrestrial intelligent life must also be so rare that humans will never make contact with her.
Another theory holds that although the conditions necessary for life were common in the universe, the formation of life itself, (a device complex molecules that are capable of simultaneously playing, creating and extracting all the basic components to constitute itself them from the environment, and for energy in a way that is autosustenten) should finally be a very rare occurrence even in worlds that could have the original right conditions.
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Rare Earth in the Universe |
Those who disagree with this way of thinking argue that if conditions exist in the universe for human life, then the Universe meets those conditions, since human life is given there. Therefore, the hypothesis of the rarity of the earth confused how life arose on our planet, with even about how life should arise conclusion.
While the probability of the specific conditions that have enabled the development of intelligent life on Earth is very low, however, complex life may not require only the conditions on Earth to evolve are met.
Overcoming Human technology vision
Having said all the above does the possibility that any extraterrestrial presence on Earth could be detected remains?
If so, a totally non-human pose must be done, or outside of our existing schemes in respect of the ways in which another intelligent civilization can explore neighboring galaxies and worlds, and eventually colonizarles.
Scientific circles consider a type of probe as proposed by the Hungarian mathematician and physicist John von Neumann-American, could exhaustively explore a galaxy like the Milky Way in less than 500,000 years, with a relatively small investment in materials and energy, if it is compared with the results to be obtained.
A von Neumann probe is an unmanned spaceship, designed to investigate a particular target and transmit information to their home system. It would be intelligent machines to be replicated themselves, what von Neumann called "Universal assemblers".
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Interplanetary Exploration Probe |
If a probe of this kind is evidence of primitive, or culture of low life, it can be programmed to remain sleeping, watching silently, or to make contact, and even interfere or guide the evolution of life in the place has found. Worth here to remember the "monolith" in the Moon, Arthur Clarke's novel "2001: A Space Odyssey," which drove this idea.
In this second case, we would have a Bracewell probe, Australian physicist and electrical engineer who since 1955 has worked at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, in California, USA
The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy and Space Flight defined this way Bracewell probe:
"An automatic hypothetical spacecraft sent by technological races in order to make contact and exchange information with other intelligent beings in the galaxy. He discussed the possibility Bracewell Bracewell in 1960 argued that interstellar "messenger probes" as he called them, offering an attractive alternative to conventional addressed in an SETI listening for extraterrestrial signals and, if successful, embarking on a slow dialogue through many Light years."
Since the late 1950s, it has conducted a widening of our solar system exploration and has not found the slightest evidence that it has ever been visited by alien colonists, nor has any such discovered probes.
But even these statements involving ships and material probes, do not go much further than the present human technology can imagine for the near future.
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Parallel Universes |
The present and future work
Is it possible that an intelligent civilization from space or a Parallel Universe, is scanning us without us noticing?
Answering this question requires located in the proposition made by the Italian astrophysicist Dr. Massimo Teodorani, which reproduce in full on this website, in scientific work entitled "Physics from the UFO Data" and we have collected in our conference "Y ... What if UFOs exist? ".
Perhaps, following his approach and work plan, you can really discover the existence of a non-human technology between us.
We speak of energy exploration probes, able to gather information and send it to a place of origin.
But we can also conceive exploratory mills are themselves lifestyles biological engineering products created through synthetic biology, which may even disintegrate at some point, leaving no evidence. Or it may be a data collection system by molecular nanotechnology, which can be around and go completely undetected and undetectable.
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Imaginary Space Visitors |
This far surpasses the presence of material artifacts in the form of ships with crew included, which at this point would be for a highest developed civilization, anachronistic, obsolete.
In short, if we are explored or visited by an extraterrestrial civilization it would entail the use of much more advanced than those exhibited by supporters of the ETH technologies. And that is yet to be verified. It is the present and future task for ufologists who want to take it forward.
Copyright Milton W. Hourcade (2007)