Nazi UFOs and the Antarctic Base
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Intellectual property of the researcher Jorge Palazón.
When the Allies entered Germany, the project managers "Die Glocke" (The Bell Nazi), as well as artifacts disappeared. The General Hans Kammler, the head of all the secret projects since 1944, and head of "La Campana", under the command of Martin Bormann and Hitler, disappeared and was not heard from him again. The General Emil Mazuw SS, was the coordinator and directly responsible for the project, disappeared and was not heard from him again. Admiral Rhein, head of the Research, Development and Patents, disappeared and was not heard from him again. Dr. Elisabeth Adler, mathematics at the University of Königsberg, participated in the project as an expert in unconventional mathematics. He disappeared and was not heard nothing more of it. The medium Maria Orsic also disappeared. Did you use "La Campana" to escape the allied forces?
The Third Reich had very advanced technology, there's no doubt. One country, Germany, buzzed an entire planet, with firepower far superior to the Allies. But not only the Nazis had more destructive weapons that other countries, but possessed inside information on how to travel in time, vortex, wormhole, life in other corners of the universe ... and traveled to Antarctica to create a base.
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Die Glocke Project |
The Nazis were convinced belong to a chosen race, so they invested many resources and time in searching the genealogy to corroborate his theory. Many senior members of the Nazi regime, including Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess, remained occult beliefs. The first element of Nazi occult beliefs came from the mythical land of Hyperborea-Thule. The myths of antiquity speak of an ancient magical land that explains the origin of mankind and civilization of ancient Hyperborea, original homeland of the Aryans.
Diodorus of Sicily said that Pherecydes of Syros, who lived about 544 BC, was a descendant of the Hyperboreans, and was the teacher who initiated into the mysteries Pythagoras and mathematics. Some of the Hyperboreans who survived settled in Iceland (Thule, at the time) and other smaller islands, and apparently managed to adapt to the Quaternary glaciation. These hiperbóreos maintained relations with the peoples of antiquity, as Thule, the "island of Saturn" was known to the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks and Romans.
And the Nazis believed to be the pure descendants of Hyperboreans, and legitimate heirs of Hyperborea, and during his reign, sought evidence and found that Aryan land in Antarctic soil. There they managed to build a base, and great resources transferred to the frozen continent. Everything was conceived there is a great mystery.
In 1947, an expedition undertaken by Admiral Richard Byrd (important explorer and aviator, particularly known for his bold flights over Antarctica, which allowed better understanding of the geographical configuration of the frozen continent), arrived in Antarctica, funded by the Navy The USA. It was Operation Highjump. An aircraft carrier with 12 planes, one submarine, 20 helicopters and 5,000 people on board, made up the list of passengers, crew and equipment strange for a scientific expedition.
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Operation Highjump |
Officially, Operation Highjump were simple maneuvers were intended "to test military equipment and troops in Antarctic conditions." If the stated purpose of the operation was the training of staff and testing of military equipment in extreme conditions, why was it necessary to send many ships, units and soldiers and why the presence banned foreign observers?
This expedition was a military as Admiral Byrd said in December 1946. A month later, there was a complete aerial reconnaissance and began to be surveyed Antarctic Queen Maud Land. This expedition was for six months and only lasted two months. It was a quick escape from the area. They lost a destroyer, hundreds of planes and crew. Later, before the Committee on Research, Byrd said, "America can be attacked by an enemy that has the ability to fly from pole to pole at incredible speed."
Antarctica was discovered in 1820 by two Russian explorers, Gelenkschmerzen and Lazarev. Its climate made it impossible to scan until it happened a century. Only coastlines were reflected in the maps. A late 30 research expeditions were organized just before World War II began. In January 1939, two aircraft, the "Passat" and "Boreas" took off from the deck of the "Schwabenland", crossing Queen Maud Land. After three weeks of recognition, they called the area "New Swabia".
Captain Alfred Ritscher, said in April 1939: "I have fulfilled the orders of Lieutenant General Goering, we threw flags every 25 km covering an area of ??600,000 km2, of which 350,000 km2 were photographed." This mission later in the hands of Admiral Karl Doenitz, who said: "The German submarine fleet is proud at the other end of the world, have made an impregnable citadel for our Fuhrer".
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Nazi Antarctic Base |
It found a huge underground lake to a km under the ice (Lake Vostok). His temperature was 18 ° C. On the water surface there are vaulted domes containing hot air constantly flowing with the river of hot water into the ocean. This hot water has formed perfect long underground tunnels for building secret bases. A database accessible only by submarine, immune to storms and polar cold, hidden from the outside and out of enemy reach.
Antarctica was one of the best places to establish bases for scientific or military purposes, away from the enemy and reach the fourth power. The Nazis were interested in this area, and Hitler believed firmly that it was one of the entrances of the Hollow Earth. For this reason, the Nazis erected a base there.
The secret name of this base was "Base 211". In early 1939, they opened regular boats traveling between Germany and Antarctica on a ship called "Swabia". On board, it was mine construction equipment, railways, trucks and machines to build and create tunnels. They also came scientists, engineers and skilled workers. It is said that sought to control the South Seas or who were interested in uranium, essential for building weapons of destructive power.
The plans of the Third Reich and the activities of the Kriegsmarine (German Navy), with respect to the Antarctic territory went much further. The Germans claimed sovereignty over a huge Antarctic territory which they called "Neuschwabenland" (New Swabia). In this territory built several permanent bases, the main one being referred to as "Neuberlin" (New Berlin).
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The War that Never Exist |
Admiral Doenitz, who was in command of the submarine fleet of the Third Reich during the war had declared proudly: "The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri- The, an impregnable fortress. "
In 1942 he began the transfer of the future residents of New Swabia. When USA qualified scientists recruited many Germans as von Braun, many had disappeared, but appeared as deceased, as well as 100 submarines ever found.
For Reich, Neuschwabenland, it was of utmost importance both to destine resources needed in the war being waged.
The issue of "The Plain Truth" June 1952, entitled "Hitler may be alive!". The article revealed that in 1940, the German Reich began to move huge numbers of machines to the South Pole with the aim of building a secret station unknown continent, a new Berchtesgaden to the Führer.
The report went on to explain how technical emptied an entire mountain in Antarctica to build a new refuge completely camouflaged in a larger Europe, 9,000 Km continent. Africa, 3,000 Km. Of Tierra del Fuego in South America and 7,000 Km . of Australia. Magazine "Bonjour" and the Parisian "Le Monde", had articles about Hitler's escape to the South Pole. Admiral Doenitz declared in 1943: "The submarine fleet will be moored somewhere in the Polo, in a heavenly place".
Although I not say where, "Bonjour" pointed out that in 1940 Nazi engineers had begun construction of buildings that can withstand temperatures of -60 ° C. Only in the huge installation Jonastal S III, they worked and malvivían over 30,000 workers in an underground city 25 km long. Later, the Russians occupy these underground cities, located just on the rich uranium deposits of southeastern Germany, creating in 1946 the Russian company Wismut, which over the next 40 years bequeath to manufacture more than 200,000 kilos of enriched uranium U235, for to equip the Soviet arsenal of nuclear bombs.
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Triangle Aircraft First Prototype |
In late 1946, Richard Byrd was ordered to destroy the Antarctic base. But in trying to carry out the order, Byrd informed Washington about fighters with incredible capabilities, and they were attacked by strange flying saucers emerging from the water at high speed. The February 26, 1947 there was a battle that was described by the pilot John Sireson "vertically out of the water, passing so close to the masts of the boats and such speed, the force started radio antennas. Two soldiers of "Casablanca" were destroyed by a mysterious ray and re-immersed. I was on the cover of "Casablanca" and I saw with my own eyes. That object was silent, as if floating among the boats, a satanic beast spitting deadly fire. I saw the destroyer "Murdoch," which was about 120 feet, burst into flames and began to sink. "
After the war, they were discovered Nazi secret files with pictures and designs, developing disk-shaped craft. The Ahnenerbe Society, the most mysterious of the Third Reich, was a structure dedicated to the occult and mysticism with state support. This society was founded in 1935, and was intended to explore the historical roots of the German nation. Ahnenerbe means "legacy of ancestors" and his concerns went far beyond the study of the history of the ancient Germans. They adopted the concept of "qualitative superiority" based on who can win a war with a reduced number of forces quantitatively, whenever forces used high quality. To do so, they were provided with hidden knowledge, nontraditional and paranormal, to progress and monitor areas that enemies unaware and could not compete.
It noted that Hitler belonged to the Thule Society when he was out in 1920. This was a German Theosophical Society directly related to the Vril Society or Luminous Lodge and indirectly with the English Golden Dawn. The Thule Society belonged Alfred Rosenberg, Dietrich Eckardt, Rudolf Hess and Karl Haushoffer. The latter claimed that the origin of the German people was in Central Asia, the Indo Germanic race.
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Rare Stamps Collection |
SS Colonel Wolfram Siervers was the administrator of the Research Society of the heritage of the ancestors, the Ahnenerbe, which was established in 1933. It had been founded privately by his spiritual master Frederick Hielscher, Swedish explorer friend Suen Hedin, who had long lived in Tibet and played an important intermediary role in the establishment of the Nazi esoteric doctrines.
The Nazis were convinced that in the past were a powerful civilization, with access to the secrets of the universe, and that knowledge was preserved and encrypted. Scientists saw Antarctica as the native home of the Aryan race, therefore, Nazis were the legitimate heirs of that Atlantean technological knowledge. Legend has it that had giant flying boats and ships driven by an unknown force.
The Thule Society (predecessors of the Ahnenerbe), met in December 1919 near the Alps, on a farm near Berschtesgadden (Hitler's residence), where two mediums. One of them was known as "Sigrun" and the other was Mary Orsic medium Zagreb.
In 2010, the German magazine "PM" published an article about the apparent construction of Nazi spaceships through its communication with alien beings. This international research caused quite a stir since it was the first time this story was analyzed thoroughly and seriously. However, how this alleged exchange of information will be created between the followers of Hitler and entities of the stars?
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Utopic Nazi Antarctic Occupied Territory |
The medium was Mary Orsic, a professor of Austrian ballet from an early age already expressed its support for the political movement that wanted to unite all the peoples of Germanic origin. It just moved to Germany in 1919, the secret society "Thule", which was characterized by its appreciation to the occult and esoteric joined. There other young friend had the same powers as her, and together they left the Thule to form another group called "Gesellschaft für Alldeutshe Metaphisik" (Pan-German Society for Metaphysics) and is popularly known as "Vril" was made.
Mary Orsic maintained a close relationship with one of the greatest geniuses of history, Nikola Tesla. They were related to the construction of an anti-gravitational flying machine and contacts with extraterrestrials.
In Nazi Germany there were two distinct UFO construction lines: 1. German and Austrian scientists working on based on whether they were traditional or avant-garde propulsion systems scientific data, soon passed to the control of the SS and 2. Mary Orsic project and Dr. Otto Schumann based on technical data provided by aliens.
Mary Orsic technical data received in the Sumerian language of beings claiming to be messengers of the planet Ashtari / Aldebaran (Taurus constellation). Nikola Tesla was about aliens who wrote in Sanskrit in his notebook, saying that two alien races at war, why publicly expressed concern for the fate of mankind, reason why he invented the "Beam death "that could destroy alien ships.
The July 20, 1931, Nikola Tesla made the following statement to the magazine "Time Magazine": "I conceived a way that will enable humans to transmit energy in large quantities, thousands of horsepower, from one planet to another , regardless of the distance. "
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Nikola Tesla Flying Saucer |
They contacted through Mary appeared Orsic and a haunting voice that identified themselves as "Sumi, inhabitants of a distant world orbiting the star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus you call." The Sumi were an humanoid race that had colonized the earth 500 million years ago. The ruins of Larsa, and Nippur in Iraq Shurrupak have been built for them. Those who survived the great flood of Ut-napishtim would have become the ancestors of the Aryan race. Sebottendorf, skeptical of such information demanded evidence. While Mary was in a trance, he scribbled a series of lines that could be some Sumerian characters.
In December 1943, Maria attended along with Sigrun to a meeting organized by the Vril Society to the sea in Kolberg. The main objective of this meeting was to discuss the "Aldebaran Project". The mediums of the Vril Society have received telepathic information on habitable planets around Aldebaran and planned to travel there.
This project was discussed on January 22, 1944 at a meeting between Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann (scientist and professor at the Technical University of Munich) and Kunkel (of the Vril Society). It was decided that a prototype of Vril 7 "Jäger" (hunter in German) would be sent through a dimensional channel course oblivious to the speed of light toward Aldebaran. According to the writer N. Ratthofer, the first test back in that dimensional channel it took place in late 1944. The test almost resulted in unfortunate because after the flight, the Vril 7 looked like it had been flying for hundreds of years and not only in appearance but also because it had damaged many of its components. It seems that the Nazis carried the secret travel in space-time.
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The Vril Project |
In March 1945, Mary would have received communication Orsic messengers predicting the Nazi defeat before the end of that year. It realized several friends, some of them were the Horten brothers (Walter and Reimar). On Thursday March 15, 1945, Maria Orsic met with Dr. Schumann last, he handed a package with all documents and plans of the German UFOs and said goodbye. Three days later, Mary and her Vril hangar party went to Munich to take possession of one of the dishes and left in an unknown direction. They were never found.
To Mary Orsic it will definitely lose the trail when an internal document of the Vril Society was sent to all members. It was a letter written by Maria Orsic, which concluded: "niemand bleibt hier" (no one here). This was the last communication from the Vril Society and since then, nobody heard anything about Maria Orsic nor any of its members. Many believe that fled to Aldebaran.
The Nazis had access to information technology too advanced, alien spaceships possessed and used reverse engineering to discover how they worked, a task that was entrusted to the inventor Viktor Schauberger. The Nazis progress led them to build a prototype called Haunebu.
Advanced aircraft designs, such as Viktor Schauberger were created. This channeled knowledge, became scientists to translate into tangible techniques for engineers. In 1922, the first model had been built. The artifact had three parallel discs. When in motion, the upper and lower discs rotating in opposite directions, creating a very strong magnetic field with antigravity effect and can distort the structure of time.
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Vril I Aircraft |
In July 1934, the Thule and Vril, Viktor Schauberger companies invited to collaborate with them, who created a machine capable of producing implosion light, heat and mechanical movement with only air and water. In 1939, a prototype disc Vril rose into the air. To develop super disc, he brought the "Sonder Bureau 13" (Sonderbehandlung). SS scientists took up the study of UFOs. Valery Burdakov spoke with the German professor Hermann Oberth (Professor von Braun).
In late 1942, they managed to blow an album called "Vril 1" or "Jager", with a diameter of 11.5 meters. Before the end of the war, 17 types of flying discs were manufactured. During the Battle of Kursk, he was a huge disk in the sky. That dish was identified as the "Haunebu" using an alternative source of energy, requiring no fossil fuel, called "Hans Kohler converts." Even I was provided the "Haunebu III" to fly into space.
It was documents of a project to build a ship of 139 meters cigar-shaped called "Andromeda-Gerät" ("Andromeda apparatus" was a mothership), with five Frisbees hangars like "Haunebu II" and "Vril ". It is believed that it was a project for an underground water container, which would be used to transport goods, technological equipment, secret bases of the Third Reich, including Antarctica.
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Haunebu III Aircraft |
At the end of the war, there were nine research projects, development and testing of Frisbees. There were nine factories, one of which was destroyed. One of the devices was transported to New Swabia. Others went to the Amazon and one on the north coast of Norway, evacuated to secret facilities. One of the most advanced prototypes was frisbee "Bellonzo", tested for the first and last time on February 14, 1945 near Prague.
This album, reached a height of 15 km in three minutes with a horizontal speed of 2,200 km / h. He could remain suspended in the air, flying forward and backward without turning. Unconventional prototypes that could not be evacuated, were destroyed. Viktor Schauberger said, "The model was tested in February 1945, was built in collaboration with experts worldwide in combustion engines in the concentration camp of Mauthausen. It was Keitel who piloted the experimental ship. "
On December 9, 1965, an unidentified flying object, bell-shaped, crashed in the vicinity of the US city of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. This event is known as the case Kecksburg. The artifact was strange inscriptions, like the Nazi bell, and was quickly recovered by the military. Many witnesses saw the strange event.
Everything suggests that the UFO Kecksburg was the result of project development of the Nazi campaign (Die Glocke).
The top secret project "Die Glocke" Nazi Bell, he was under the command of the mysterious SS General Hans Kammler. It was in the mountainous region of the Czech border, between the Sudetenland and Lower Silesia, and near the village of Ludwigsdorf, where a mine where the Nazis developed the revolutionary model was antigravity.
In a valley, just outside the city of Ludwikowice (Poland), a circular strange structure, known as "flap flight" or "ring tests" which was 30 m in diameter, 7 m high rises and 10 columns of 1.40 cm thick.
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The Kecksburg UFO Case |
This aircraft, bell-shaped, using an electromagnetic propulsion. The chains holding the device, they were hooked to the circular structure. Bell had 2 rotary cylinder containing a substance similar to mercury xerum call 525, and when turned counterclockwise, gave off a glow of purple. The exterior of the device was lined with ceramic material. When put into operation, the two rotating drums turned contrary and the object rose like ancient vimanas. The device gave off a radiation that came to affect the project scientists.
The experiment ever took place under a thick covering of ceramic and wrapped in two cylinders rapidly spinning in opposite directions. Other substances, including thorium and beryllium peroxides, received the code name "Leichmetall" (light metal).
Each test lasted about one minute. During this period, while La Campana cast his pale blue glow, the staff remained about a hundred to two hundred meters of it. All electrical equipment within that radius was usually short and would be ruined. Then the room was soaked up to forty-five minutes with a liquid that appeared to be brine (water with a high concentration of dissolved salt). The men who carried out this task were prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp.
When the Soviet army was approaching the village of Ludwigsdorf, now called Ludwikowice, the Waffen SS officer Karl Sporrenberg, on the direct orders of Hitler, carried out the execution of 62 Nazi scientists working on the project Die Glocke, facts for which he was tried in court as a war criminal. According Sporrenberg the secret prototype had been taken to a safe area in Norway.
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Operation Paperclip |
In fact, the most likely scenario of all is that both Hans Kammler as Nazi Bell, ended in the secret bases of the US government, protected with the utmost secrecy, inside the "Operation Paperclip". How could Hans Kammler appear 20 years later? Where were you?
Bell was a secret Nazi project had been developed with the names of Kronos (Time) and Lanterntrager (light bearer), appearing in the strange secret documents references to a "Stargate". Nazi Bell was a time machine that could be the ultimate weapon to change the course of war and history.
Copyright Jorge Palazón (2014)