Military secrets, no Grey Aliens and UFOs
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Intellectual property of the researcher Luis Alfonso Gámez.
"The government denies all knowledge." This was a top of the X-Files series was coined, in other words, by Donald E. Keyhoe retired Marine Corps US commander and author, in 1950, the first book on UFOs, The flying saucers are Real (flying saucers are real). The former military published that year in True magazine an article that laid the two pillars of ufology: the alien origin of flying saucers and official secrecy. There have been few followers of UFOs since then have not succumbed to the obsession with government cover-up, in part, with good reason.
The CIA was interested in flying saucers seen shortly after the first, in 1947. He feared they posed a risk to US security. It closely controlled military research projects of the phenomenon and, in 1949, saw the Air Force ruled that after UFOs had a foreign power. Still, he continued in garlic if the threat was alien. While the film Klaatu brought us peace interplanetary Earth Stood Still (1951), the military concluded that flying saucers did not come from other worlds, and the CIA found them useful.
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SR-71 of CIA |
The Land of Dreams
USA 50s lived in fear of a Soviet nuclear attack and communist infiltration. Were the years of nuclear drills in schools and witch hunts of Senator Joseph McCarthy. The CIA began at that time to have the latest technology for espionage with the entry into service of the U-2 plane. Capable of flying at 805 mph and reach 21,000 meters, it took off for the first time August 1, 1955 the newly created field tests Groom Lake in Nevada. It premiered facilities popularly known today as Area 51, where the US has tested aircraft like the SR-71 and the F-117, and where, according to some ufologists, wrecked remains of flying saucers and alien to be saved.
Washington officially recognized the existence of the military complex Nevada when he had no choice, when a US company in April 2000 published on the Internet images taken by satellite basis. In the photos hangars, runways, roads and sports fields were seen; the heart of a military complex of 20,000 square kilometers. "We have here an operations center; but the work is classified matter, "admitted Gloria Wales, spokesman for the Air Force. "Many people of my administration was convinced that Roswell was a fraud, but he believed that that place of Nevada (Area 51) was serious, that there was an alien artifact. So I sent someone to find out. And it really was a defense installation in the boring things that we did not want anyone else to see it made, "he explained Bill Clinton three years ago FinanceAsia magazine.
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Spy Aircraft |
During the Cold War, the belief in extraterrestrials was used by the CIA flights to conceal their drones from Groom Lake and other bases. A report entitled The role of the CIA in the study of UFOs 1947-1990, the work of the historian Gerald K. Haines, revealed in 1997 that in the 50 and 60 "about half" of sightings of strange objects in the American skies were for missions U-2 and SR-71. American intelligence agency preferred that the audience believe in visitors from other worlds to uncover the existence of the more sophisticated tools. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the Soviet Union did the same.
A UFO-jellyfish
Some neighbors sleepless Petrozavodsk, a city on the shores of Lake Onega, 1977 saw a glowing jellyfish flying over the city before dawn. "The fiery ball that rushed across the sky from south to north on the district of Leningrad and Karelia in the early hours of September 20 was also observed by astronomers Pulkovo. At present it is still difficult to definitively determine its origin, as they continue to be reports of witnesses and observers, "said Vladimir Krat three days later, director of the Pulkovo Observatory. In the following weeks, they met the press statements of scientists and ufologists unlikely defending the extraterrestrial nature of the phenomenon explanations.
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UFO was a Missile |
James Oberg was a NASA engineer who solved the enigma from Houston. I got in touch with the Goddard Space Flight Center, where she was informed that the USSR had launched a satellite that day from the secret Plesetsk cosmodrome, 330 kilometers east of Petrozavodsk. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), whose headquarters is in Cheyenne Mountain, as he knows every follower of the TV series Stargate-, Oberg confirmed that the launch of spy satellite Cosmos-955 had occurred minutes before the onset UFO that it looked like a jellyfish in the glow of the exhaust nozzle of the rocket.
"Moscow knows where UFOs, who throws, how to propel and traveling across the sky of the USSR come. He knows everything and does not want to admit it publicly. Is probably the largest operation of UFO cover-up story, "Oberg wrote in 1982 in an article showing the link between the most famous waves of UFOs behind the Iron Curtain and secret military activities. What they did not suspect then NASA engineer is that years later would admit that CIA had done the same: to take advantage of flying saucers to camouflage espionage operations.
The Serie
X-Files (1993-2002): Nine seasons of the best feature films and two TV conspiracy centered. The plots hatched by Chris Carter rooted in paranoia of American society, he amplified.
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The X-Files TV Series |
The Greys
"Doctor, do you really think the Hill were abducted and taken aboard a flying saucer?" He asked in Boston a reporter from Look magazine psychiatrist Benjamin Simon forty years. "Absolutely he not!" Replied the doctor. Weeks later, he reached the number of kiosks Look of October 4, 1966, which included the first of two reports on the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill by beings from another world, but did not reflect the devastating judgment of the psychiatrist who had treated marriage between January and June 1964. It was the first abduction and set the script to be followed by such stories, like their aliens are at the origin of the canonical model of a UFO crew.
The current alien is not the little green man on which ironically Fredric Brown in his novel Marciano, go home! (1955), in which the invaders are some green dwarfs gossip that join humanity into chaos because they see it, hear it and tell it all. Still short, but now is gray skin, big head and large black almond eyes, human kidnaps to experiment with them and have secret pacts with those who, in the shade, rule the world. The alien is physically Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and The X-Files (1993-2002), which Steven Spielberg presented as an angel of the technological age and Chris Carter did descend into hell. It is being imagined by an American marriage to explain what happened one night in September 1961.
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The Grays |
Interrupted Journey
Betty and Barney Hill in the years 60.Betty and Barney Hill were a mixed marriage-he was black and she white- in a country where racial segregation existed. She was a social worker and he worked in the Post Office in Boston. They lived in Portsmouth (New Hampshire) and in their community, were known civil rights activists. The September 19, 1961, returning home by car after spending a few days in Canada when they saw a UFO near the Moon, near which there was also a star. It seemed that followed them and, therefore, stopped the march to, walk to land, observing with binoculars: Barney distinguished humanoid figures through the windows of the nave. They resumed their journey after the man returned to the car scared and saying, "They'll catch us!". They arrived home at dawn. He was convinced that it was a plane; her, it was a flying saucer as he had seen his sister years before.
In the following days, she phoned Base Pease Air Force to report the sighting, bought and read several books on flying saucers, and wrote to the author of one of them, Donald E. Keyhoe, retired military officer and president National Committee for Research on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), to tell his experience. Betty, who had started having nightmares about the event, did not speak in the letter of any kidnapping, and neither did during his interview with ufologist marriage NICAP in October 1961. The abduction came to light much later, In 1964, when Hill underwent treatment by psychiatrist Benjamin Simon. The couple then told under hypnosis kidnapping by the crew of the flying saucer, with included, in a segment transcribed in the book The Interrupted Journey (1966), by John G. Fuller medical examination.
Drawing extraterrestrial boss Barney under hypnosis by February 22 1964.Los visitors were cabezones, they had skin the color "blue-gray", small mouth, two holes in place of the nose and large eyes that impressed Barney. "I felt as if those eyes would get involved for mine," said the psychiatrist. And drawing the head of the aliens with cap and scarf. It is the portrait of a gray. He did it in pencil on 22 February 1964. Dr. Simon never believed that Hill had been abducted by aliens. For him, the story had been cooked in the mind of a Betty interested in UFOs and haunted by a nightmare he believed based on real facts and which bombed Barney for months, until incorporated into its memory and false memories.
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Interrupted Journey |
Jump to Hollywood
The publication of the two reports in Look Fuller made his book a bestseller; but the time ufology history not taken seriously, but that surprised today when some experts believe to hybridization experiments between humans and aliens. The boom of the abductions took place nine years later. A mid-70s, the story of the Hill reached millions of Americans as a TV movie starring James Earl Jones, who plays Barney, and Estelle Parsons, Betty. NBC premiered The UFO incident on October 20, 1975 in primetime and broadcast it again on 9 September 1976. Following that, the alien abductions multiplied. The ufologist David Webb noted in 1978 that in the previous thirty years, there had been fifty abductions -all them, reported after the Hill- while, only in the two years following the release of the film, they found hundred.
NBC aliens, which was not a prodigy makeup, precisely-inspired Travis Walton, a young woodcutter Arizona in November 1975 claimed to have been abducted by humanoid similar to those that captured the Hill. Walton's story was a fraud who reported his accomplices protagonist and a lot of money with the rights of books and a movie, Fire in the Sky (1993), which still programmed theme channels. The kidnappers were Lumberjack classic gray and, two years later starred with multicolored flying saucers Encounters of the Third Kind and took between hugs Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) into his great ship.
Roy Neary, surrounded by aliens in "Close Encounters of the Third fase'.El stereotype was beating their rivals -monstruos furry, robots, giant lizards ... - and, in the 90s, his reign among aliens was almost absolute. The enthronement, contributed X-Files television series in which Chris Carter exploited the credulity and fears of American society through a couple of FBI agents, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) They are investigating paranormal events. He also put his two cents in 1996 the fake autopsy film of an alien whose ship had crashed in Roswell (New Mexico) in 1947: its main supporter in Spain was now novelist Javier Sierra, for whom the transistor was invented based on technology that crashed saucer. Visitors to Carter were at odds with those of Spielberg, who most recently has approached the phenomenon Abducted (2002), a series of ten chapters which are ubiquitous gray. But why these aliens are as they are?
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The Gray Aliens |
Origin fiction
Alien abduction is a cultural update abduction by gods, angels, demons and fairies. The script's abduction by aliens was set in 1930 on a Buck Rogers comic: capture and introduction in the ship, medical examination, conversation with the leader, view of Earth from space and back home. A typical UFO abduction can contain all those components or stop any side.
Green dwarves Invaders from Mars staged the first film in 1953 abduction and introduced a woman a needle through the navel for a medical examination, as happened years later Betty Hill. Almond-shaped eyes that so impressed her husband - "I've never seen eyes like those torn" - and that he believed he spoke came from television, according discovered the UFO myth scholar Martin Kottmeyer. On February 10th, 1964, twelve days before Barney quoted for the first time under hypnosis wraparound eyes, those eyes aliens staged 'Bellero Shield' episode of the series The Outer Limits. And the UFO?
That night in September 1961 had two lights next to the moon, Saturn and Jupiter, but the Hill only remembered seeing the UFO and a star next to the TV. The researcher Robert Sheaffer believes marriage took one of the planets by a flying saucer. The rest of the story was a product of popular culture, and the dreams and longings of Betty to see a UFO, like her sister. So gray were born 40 years ago.
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American Spy Aircraft |
The kidnappers, in television fiction
The gray kidnappers moved while the pages of the books of ufology and the paranormal series dedicated to X-Files-like black-and Sky productions of science fiction Babylon 5, Stargate and The Outer Limits. Thus, in the first episode entitled 'The Grail' (1994), a human demand judicially gray in the Babylon 5 space station because his grandfather was abducted by the grandfather of the alien.
More recently, in 'Precarious Equillibrio' (2003), an episode of the seventh season of Stargate, a scientist of an allied alien race of mankind -and that are physically gray-is captured when kidnaps humans to experiment with them and try to save his people from extinction. The alien by the name of Loki, god of fire and trickery of Scandinavian mythology.
The UFO myth, born of science fiction, now feeds this kind on the small screen, as shown Matías Morey, president of the Anomaly Foundation, in a recently published study. The circle has been closed.
UFOs exist: it's official
"The UFOs will exist: It's official," he announced yesterday on its website the Ministry of Defence. More than half a century after the appearance of the first flying saucers in the United States, the government of Tony Blair has published the findings of a study spanning more than thirty years of sightings from 1959 to 1996. Ufólogos half the world were to Hunting documentation from a week ago, when it was announced his impending declassification. They can now consult the Internet. As the official reports of the US and Spain, Britain ET disappoint.
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Secret Plane of Intelligence Agency |
The study concludes that the UFOs -a referred to as non-identified Aerial Phenomena exist, but refuses to have anything to do with visitors from other worlds. "They are a mixture of natural and man-made phenomena, rather than proof of extraterrestrial life," he explained in the introductory note to a work of over 450 pages spread over three volumes. They can be anything from meteors to spy planes, and that the witnesses are reliable or have abused alcohol is not important enough that they are not familiar with what is observed or where the circumstances are unusual.
"There is no evidence to suggest that the phenomena are hostile or under any type of different forces of nature control", sentenced the authors of the study, carried out between 1996 and 2000. So there is no fear that an army of vandals green men landing a day on Earth and laser shots bundle them with whom to step out, and Mars Attacks !, a parody of Tim Burton. Having regard to the absence of both a threat from outer space to national security, it is logical that six years ago the study authors dictate that not worth throwing more money in the study of UFOs.
"What are all these stories about flying saucers? What do they mean? What is the truth? Give me a report as soon as possible, "asked Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, on 28 July 1952. The Ministry of Defence has given shelve end the mystery, but UFOs still be there, like fairies, witches and other creations of the human imagination.
Copyright Luis Alfonso Gamez (2006)